Chemical Peels | Find a Chemical Peel Surgeon Near You

Chemical Peels

The chemical peel procedure involves a chemical solution that is applied to the skin. The solution causes a layer of skin to separate and peel off. The new, regenerated skin underneath is usually smoother, less wrinkled, and more even in color than the old skin.

It is very important to find a chemical peel physician who has adequate training and experience in skin resurfacing. In some states, a medical degree is not required to perform chemical peels - even the strongest phenol peels - and many states have laws that permit non-physicians to administer certain peel solutions, but regulate the strengths which they are permitted to apply.

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Chemical Peel
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Lip Augmentation
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Vericose Veins
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Chemical Peels

Chemical peel uses a chemical solution in order to improve the skin's appearance. It can reduce or eliminate fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth, correct uneven skin pigmentation, remove pre-cancerous skin growths, and soften acne or treat the scars caused by acne. The chemical peel procedure can also treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and scarring, as well as skin blemishes common with age and heredity. Chemical peels can be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, arms, and legs.

Possible complications associated with chemical peels may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• change in skin tone color - For certain skin types, there is a risk of developing a temporary or permanent skin color change. Taking birth control pills, pregnancy, or a family history of brownish discoloration on the face may increase the possibility of developing the abnormal pigmentation.
• scarring - chemical peels can cause scarring. However, if scarring occurs, it can usually be treated effectively.
• cold sores and fever blisters - Those who are susceptible to cold sores, or Herpes simplex infections, may have a reactivation of cold sores or fever blisters following a chemical peel.
A chemical peel is most commonly performed for cosmetic reasons, to enhance appearance and self-confidence, and may be performed in conjunction with a facelift. However, a chemical peel is not a substitute for a facelift, and does not prevent or slow the aging process.

What substances are used for chemical peels?
Phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) are used for chemical peels. The precise formula used may be adjusted for each specific patient.
alphahydroxy acids (AHAs)
Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) such as glycolic, lactic, or fruit acids are the mildest of the peel formulas and produce light chemical peels that can often provide smoother, brighter-looking skin. AHA chemical peels may be used to treat the following:

• fine wrinkling
• areas of dryness
• uneven pigmentation
• aid in control of acne
• smooth rough, dry skin
• improve texture of sun-damaged skin

Trichloracetic acid chemical peel - Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) can be used in many concentrations and is used to accomplish the following:

• smooth fine surface wrinkles
• remove superficial blemishes
• correct pigment problems
• It can be used on the neck or other body areas, and may require pre-treatment with Retin-A or AHA creams. It is preferable for darker-skinned patients.

The results of a TCA peel are usually less dramatic than, and not as long-lasting as, those of a phenol peel. More than one TCA peel may be needed to achieve the desired result.

Pphenol chemical peel - Phenol is the strongest of the chemical solutions and produces a deep peel. These chemical peels are mainly used to accomplish the following:

• correct blotches caused by sun exposure, birth control pills, or aging
• smooth out coarse wrinkles
• remove pre-cancerous growths

In addition to the benefits of chemical peel surgery, make sure you understand its limitations.
• Don't expect perfection.
• Have realistic expectations. Chemical peel can reshape your body, but not your life.
• Know the chemical peels risks.
• Don't do it on the cheap. Pay what it takes for safe chemical peel surgery.
• Make sure your chemical peels surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
• Do your homework. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Chemical Peels
Chemical Peels

As the demand grows for cosmetic chemical peels surgery, consumers must realize that all cosmetic surgery procedures carry risks. If you are thinking about having chemical peels, become an informed consumer about the specific procedure and its risks. Select a qualified doctor. Have realistic expectations about the results and know the benefits and limitations of chemical peels.


It's a big decision to have chemical peels but it can have a significant impact on your life. Only chemical peel surgeons who have satisfied our tough criteria will be listed on our website. Our tips and advice will provide impartial advice about choosing a hospital and a chemical peel surgeon.

Searching for high quality chemical peel surgeons is a difficult and time-consuming task. This website can help you find the best surgeons to perform your chemical peels procedure. Search by location and procedure type to find a quality chemical peel surgeon near you.

Here are guidelines to assist you in selecting a qualified chemical peel surgeon:

• Check into the experience of the surgeon you are considering. Does he or she specialize in the chemical peel procedure in which you are interested?
• How many chemical peels of this kind has the doctor done?
• How many is the doctor currently performing per year?
• Chemical peel before-and-after pictures can give you some indication of a surgeon's ability, although you must realize that they cannot be construed to guarantee the result you will achieve.
• Make sure you are comfortable with the personal support between you and your chemical peel surgeon. You should always feel that your concerns are being addressed. Do not be satisfied with an incomplete answer from anyone.